Iowa Ophthalmology PAC

Join the Iowa Ophthalmology PAC Now

The Iowa Ophthalmology Political Action Committee is a statewide organization whose purpose is to support candidates for state elective office who are interested in medical eye care issues and matters related to the practice of ophthalmology. Contributions cannot be accepted from corporations and must be made only with personal checks or credit cards. You may contribute to the PAC online by using the form below, or you may download this form and contribute with a check.

Iowa Ophthalmology PAC Contribution

Please choose the appropriate category below:


Your contribution is not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Consult your accountant or tax preparer if you have questions. The Iowa Ophthalmology PAC is sponsored by the Iowa Academy of Ophthalmology.

If your practice is incorporated of if you are employed by the University, PAC voluntary political contributions MUST be charged on a PERSONAL CREDIT CARD or CHECK.