
Our Mission . . .

Our Mission . . .

The mission of the Iowa Academy of Ophthalmology is to advance the lifelong learning and professional interests of ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.s) to ensure that the citizens of Iowa can obtain the best possible eye care.

IAO Will Aid And Assist Physicians . . .

IAO Will Aid And Assist Physicians . . .

practicing ophthalmology in Iowa in their professional relations with patients, hospitals, medical institutions, governmental agencies, and all other groups related in any way to the practice of ophthalmology.

IAO Will Assist Patients . . .

IAO Will Assist Patients . . .

by educating Iowans about eye diseases, conditions and the preservation of eye health.

IAO Will Offer . . .

IAO Will Offer . . .

educational and scientific activities pertaining to the practice of ophthalmology.